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dc.contributor.advisorMarilda Gonçalves Dias Faccipt_BR
dc.contributor.authorFirbida, Fabíola Batista Gomespt_BR
dc.description.abstractThe academic formation of school psychologists have had an important role in the research of several authors who have dedicated themselves to understand how the School Psychology is shaping himself in a society in constant change, which has been its role in many times in history and to whom is serving . Our research also moves in this direction, since we our main target is to check the experience of the process of academic formation psychologists to work in education in the State of Paraná. The work includes a literature review, documentary research and, finally, the interview. The method is to analyze the thematic of work, taking as reference the assumptions of Historical-Cultural Psychology. To investigate, we had analyzed menus, goals and bibliography of disciplines who work with the formation of the school / educational psychologist of courses of Psychology in the state, as well as data collected through interviews with the course coordinators and teachers of the area school / education. The dissertation is divided into four sections. At first, we make a historical review of psychology and its relation to education in Brazil, second, we discussed on the training of psychologists, reaching the minimum requirements to the Curriculum Guidelines of the courses in Psychology and in the third section, is discussed about the School Psychology the focus of Critical Psychology, focusing on History and Cultural; in the fourth section, are presented the sheets collected from documentary research that is based on the disciplines used by institutions to subsidize the training of the school psychologist in the State of Parana, as well as interviews with the institutions of the State of Parana, which have an emphasis on Educational Processes. Also in the fourth section, we present an analysis of documentary data and interviews, assigning an exercise in using the method of dialectical historical materialism, showing the historical development of School Psychology in Brazil, drawing connections to the configuration of the School Psychologist in the State of Paraná. From the literature on this subject, you can see that there is a close relationship between Psychology and Education prior to the time when it was recognized as a science, especially within the Jesuit colleges which were already using of subjects pertaining to the School Psychology, like the worrying about child development and learning difficulties. However, it is from the 19th century with the spread of capitalism and with it the spread of liberalist ideals that various sciences, among them psychology, developed and began to engage studies in order to adapt the man their social environment. In the beginning, Psychology found in medicine and education field for its activity, especially in medical schools, psychiatric hospitals, in clinics, schools, training courses for teachers (regular schools). Therefore, the training of psychologists was based on the liberal view naturalistic, individualistic and reductionist, imputing in the individual the responsibility for their personal and professional success and failure. Currently (21st century), the formation of the school psychologist continues to respond to the demands of the capitalist system from a neoliberal conception of man, with a focus on education for skills. In a certain way, we conclude from the document analysis and interviews, the academic formation of psychologists in Parana meets the requirements in the curriculum guidelines, training towards a more general and flexible form, as demonstrated by a wide range of contents and bibliographies underlying the theoretical background of the student. Also, we found that there is concern in both documents as the speech of professionals concerning the delimitation of the field of school psychologists and that the influence of the traditional work of a psychologist (clinical) is still very present both in the content recorded on the documents as the data collected from the respondents. This influence is even more evident with the predominance of demand for the clinical area to the detriment of the school and other areas, such as labor, by the student in the choice of his emphases. Therefore, we believe it is important the investment in critical academic formation in School Psychology, based on assumptions of the School of Vygotsky, in the meaning that the intervention of the school psychologist needs to be focused on the transformation of the individual and their reality, by making awareness of those involved in the schooling process. It is essential to take a psychologist to understand the future of your practice, based on the theoretical foundations can contribute to build collective solutions for the school to fulfill its task of socializing the knowledge produced by men and, consequently, the humanization of individuals who go through the process of schooling.en
dc.publisherUniversidade Estadual de Maringápt_BR
dc.subjectPsicólogo escolarpt_BR
dc.subjectFormação profissionalpt_BR
dc.subjectPsicologia escolarpt_BR
dc.subjectPsicologia histórico-culturalpt_BR
dc.subjectFormação do psicólogo escolarpt_BR
dc.subjectSchool Psychologyen
dc.subjectHistoric-Cultural Psychologyen
dc.titleA formação do psicólogo no Estado do Paraná para atuar na escolapt_BR
dc.contributor.referee1Maria Julia Lemes Ribeiro - UEM-
dc.contributor.referee2Herculano Ricardo Campos - UFRN-
dc.description.resumoA Formação do psicólogo Escolar tem tido papel relevante na pesquisa de vários autores que têm se dedicado a compreender como a Psicologia Escolar está se configurando em uma sociedade em constante transformações, qual têm sido o seu papel nos vários momentos da história e a quem ela estava servindo. A partir da literatura estuda vimos que existe uma estreita relação entre Psicologia e Educação que antecede ao período em que ela foi reconhecida enquanto ciência, principalmente dentro dos colégios jesuítas que já se utilizavam de assuntos pertinentes a psicologia escolar como a preocupação com o desenvolvimento infantil e as dificuldades de aprendizagem. No entanto, é a partir do século XIX, com a difusão do capitalismo e com ele a propagação dos ideais liberalistas várias ciências, dentre elas a psicologia, foi para adaptar o homem ao seu ambiente social, por isso, encontrou na medicina e educação campo para a sua atuação, principalmente nos cursos de medicina, nos hospitais psiquiátricos, nos ambulatórios, na escola, nos cursos de formação de professores (Escolas Normais). Por isso, a formação do psicólogo foi pautada na visão liberal naturalizante, individualista e reducionistas, colocando no individuo a responsabilidade pelo seu sucesso e fracasso pessoal e profissional. Atualmente (século XXI), a formação do psicólogo escolar continua respondendo as exigências do sistema capitalista a partir de uma concepção neoliberal de homem, com foco em uma educação por competências. Dessa forma, o objetivo geral de nossa dissertação, será verificar como está ocorrendo o processo de formação dos psicólogos para atuarem na educação, no Estado do Paraná, via a análise de conteúdos, ementas, objetivos das disciplinas que trabalham com a formação do psicólogo escolar/educacional, bem como das entrevistas realizadas com coordenadores dos cursos ou professores da área escolar/educacional. Para isso, o trabalho compreenderá a pesquisa bibliográfica, a pesquisa documental e por fim a entrevista. Será dividido em quatro seções. A primeira foi realizado resgate histórico da Psicologia e sua relação com a Educação no Brasil; na segunda tratamos sobre a Formação do Psicólogo, caminhando do Currículo Mínimo às Diretrizes Curriculares para os cursos de Psicologia; na terceira seção discorremos sobre a Psicologia escolar no enfoque da Psicologia Critica, dando destaque à Histórico-Cultural. Na quarta seção foram apresentados os dados coletados, em forma de tabela, da pesquisa documental que tem como base as disciplinas utilizadas pelas instituições para subsidiar a Formação do Psicólogo Escolar no Estado do Paraná, bem como a entrevista com as instituições do Estado do Paraná que têm ênfase em Processos Educativos. Ainda na quarta seção apresentamos a análise dos dados documentais e da entrevista, fazendo um exercício na utilização do método do materialismo-histórico dialético, isto é apresentando o desenvolvimento histórico da psicologia escolar no Brasil fazendo relação com a configuração da Formação do Psicólogo Escolar no Estado do Paraná.pt_BR
dc.publisher.departmentDepartamento de Psicologia-
dc.publisher.programPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Psicologiapt_BR
dc.subject.cnpq1Ciências Humanaspt_BR
dc.publisher.localMaringá, PRpt_BR
dc.description.physical269 fpt_BR
dc.publisher.centerCentro de Ciências Humanas, Letras e Artespt_BR
Aparece nas coleções:2.6 Dissertação - Ciências Humanas, Letras e Artes (CCH)

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