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Title: | Caracterização trófica da ictiofauna de três lagoas da planície aluvial do alto rio Paraná, Brasil |
Other Titles: | Trophic characterization of ichthyofauna from three lagoons of the Upper Paraná river floodplain, Brazil |
Keywords: | Estrutura trófica;Alimentação de peixes;Lagoas;Planície de inundação;Paraná, Rio;Brasil.;Trophic structure;Fish feeding;Lagoons;Paraná River;Floodplain;Brazil. |
Resumo: | Com o objetivo de avaliar a composição da ictiocenose de lagoas da planície aluvial do alto rio Paraná em relação às categorias tróficas, foram realizadas coletas nas lagoas Figueira, Genipapo e Pousada, em março/1999. Após as capturas e obtenção dos dados biométricos, os peixes foram eviscerados e os estômagos fixados em formol 4%. Os conteúdos estomacais foram analisados pelos métodos de freqüência de ocorrência e volumétrico combinados no Índice Alimentar (IAi). Foram amostradas 40 espécies, as quais foram agrupadas em 10 categorias tróficas, ou seja, detritívora, iliófaga, zooplanctófaga, algívora, carcinófaga, piscívora, insetívora, bentófaga, herbívora e onívora. Para a lagoa Pousada, foram importantes, em número, as categorias zooplanctófagas (48,31%), na lagoa Genipapo foram os iliófagos (74,96%), enquanto que para a lagoa Figueira algívoros sobressaíram, com 75,58% da captura, s. Em relação à biomassa, observou-se que detritívoros foram dominantes na lagoa Pousada (45,7%) e lagoa Figueira (27,7%), enquanto que na lagoa Genipapo predominaram os iliófagos (90,0%). Registrou-se alta disponibilidade de camarões nas três lagoas, embora estes tenham sobressaído apenas na dieta dos peixes da lagoa Figueira (20,7%). Embora a maior distância entre as três lagoas seja inferior a 1km, elas são submetidas a diferentes níveis de influência do rio Paraná, e apresentam fisiografias distintas e composições ictiofaunísticas diversas. Além disso, várias espécies icticas apresentam dietas distintas conforme a lagoa considerada, revelando papeis distintos na cadeia trófica desses ambientes. Abstract: Ichthyofauna from three lagoons of the upper Paraná River floodplain was evaluated according to trophic categories. Samples were obtained in the Figueira, Genipapo, and Pousada lagoons in March 1999. Stomach contents were analyzed according to methods of occurrence and volumetric frequency, combined in an alimentary index (IAi). Forty species were caught and grouped in ten trophic categories (detritivorous, ileophagous, zooplankton-feeder, algivorous, shrimp eater, piscivorous, insectivore, bentophagous, herbivore and omnivore). Zooplankton feeders (48.3%) predominated in the Pousada Lagoon, ileophagous species (74.9%) in the Genipapo Lagoon and algivorous species (75.6%) in the Figueira Lagoon. With regard to biomass, detritivorous predominated in the Pousada (45.7%) and Figueira (27.7%) lagoons, and ileophagous (90.0%) were dominant in the Genipapo Lagoon. Although the distance among lagoons is less than 1 km, the degree of influence from the Paraná river is different, since lagoons have distinct physiography and ichthyofauna composition. Several fish species presented different diets depending on the lagoon and reveal that they play distinct roles in the trophic chain of these environments. |
Abstract: | Ichthyofauna from three lagoons of the upper Paraná River floodplain was evaluated according to trophic categories. Samples were obtained in the Figueira, Genipapo, and Pousada lagoons in March 1999. Stomach contents were analyzed according to methods of occurrence and volumetric frequency, combined in an alimentary index (IAi). Forty species were caught and grouped in ten trophic categories (detritivorous, ileophagous, zooplankton-feeder, algivorous, shrimp eater, piscivorous, insectivore, bentophagous, herbivore and omnivore). Zooplankton feeders (48.3%) predominated in the Pousada Lagoon, ileophagous species (74.9%) in the Genipapo Lagoon and algivorous species (75.6%) in the Figueira Lagoon. With regard to biomass, detritivorous predominated in the Pousada (45.7%) and Figueira (27.7%) lagoons, and ileophagous (90.0%) were dominant in the Genipapo Lagoon. Although the distance among lagoons is less than 1 km, the degree of influence from the Paraná river is different, since lagoons have distinct physiography and ichthyofauna composition. Several fish species presented different diets depending on the lagoon and reveal that they play distinct roles in the trophic chain of these environments. |
Description: | GASPAR DA LUZ, Karla Danielle; ABUJANRA, Fabiane; AGOSTINHO, Angelo Antonio; GOMES, Luiz Carlos. Caracterização trófica da ictiofauna de três lagoas da planície aluvial do alto rio Paraná, Brasil. Acta Scientiarum, Maringá, v.23, n.2, p.401-407, 2001. Disponível em: |
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Appears in Collections: | 1.2 Artigo - Ciências Biológicas (CCB) |
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